Channel 1.5 (1.52 x 0.94 x 350 mm): Evergreen plastic, non-scale 261

Channel 1.5 (1.52 x 0.94 x 350 mm): Evergreen plastic, non-scale 261

  • ¥826
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Made of plastic material by evergreen scale models
Plastic material
Channel Channel U-shaped material
Size (mm: H x W x L) 1.52 x 0.94 x 350
Number of pieces: 4

Information edited by Sakatsu Gallery

This plastic material can be used for a wide range of applications, from detailing to the creation of original models.
It is white in colour and can be used with adhesives and paints for plastic models. It is not deformed by moisture, is strong and easy to glue. It can be used in a wide range of applications and is as easy to work with as paper.

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