Tienda online de Dioramas y Miniaturas
Comprador, mujer con niño: Kt Kobo - Producto terminado HO (1:80) W02S-80
Shopper, tía con niño a la espalda: Kt Kobo - Producto terminado HO (1:80) W01S-80
Vendedor de hielo y niño: Preiser - HO pintado (1:87) 28126
Esposa del vendedor ambulante: Kt Kobo - Producto terminado HO (1:80) W03S-80
080-00014 Choshi Electric Railway Station Employee 6 : Tiny Tales - Completed Colored HO (1:80)
080-00013 Choshi Electric Railway Station Employee 5 : Tiny Tales - Completed Colored HO (1:80)
080-00012 Choshi Electric Railway Station Employee 4 : Tiny Tales - Completed Colored HO (1:80)
080-00011 Choshi Electric Railway Station Employee 3 : Tiny Tales - Completed Colored HO (1:80)
080-00010 Choshi Electric Railway Station Employee 2 : Tiny Tales - Completed Colored HO (1:80)
080-00009 Choshi Electric Railway Station Employee 1 : Tiny Tales - Completed Colored HO (1:80)
Camión maderero de Tim: Woodland prepintado HO (1:87) AS5553
Themed Figures Set "Office" : Nogh Painted HO(1:87) 16251
Band : Noch Painted HO (1:87) 15839
Street Performer : Noch - Painted HO (1:87) 15597
Painter : Noch Painted HO (1:87) 15056
Bakery : Noch Painted HO(1:87) 15053
Market women : Preiser - Painted HO(1:87) 28224
Lady of the castle : Preiser Painted and finished HO(1:87) 28223
Gate Keeper : Preiser Painted HO(1:87) 28222
Fetching water :Preiser Painted Completed HO(1:87) 28221
Begging friars : Preiser Painted HO(1:87) 28220
Archery : Preiser Painted HO(1:87) 28219
Friar tapping beer : Preiser - Painted HO(1:87) 28218
Blacksmith : Preiser Painted HO(1:87) 28187
Worker Figurine E type 2 pieces : Suzume Model Unpainted Kit HO(1:80) SZM-HO-DW-E
Worker Figurine D type 2 pieces : Suzume Model Unpainted Kit HO(1:80) SZM-HO-DW-D
Worker Figurine C type 2 pieces : Suzume Model Unpainted Kit HO(1:80) SZM-HO-DW-C
Worker Figurine B type 2 pieces : Suzume Model Unpainted Kit HO(1:80) SZM-HO-DW-B
Worker Figurine A type 2 pieces : Suzume Model Unpainted Kit HO(1:80) SZM-HO-DW-A
HS080-00032 Old Police Officer[JP] : figreal finished product 1:80 HO 00032