Beautiful Advertising Dioramas 14 companies commissioned "Scenes from the Past" by Emotivist Araki: Seibundoshinkosha (Book) 9784416521472

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First published on 20 February 2021
B5 variable format, 128 pages (all colour pages)

Author: Araki Satoshi
(Araki Araki) Published by: Seibundo Shinkosha Co.
Information edited by Sakatsu Gallery

This is how the diorama featured in that ad was made!
A behind-the-scenes look at the creation of the world's top diorama artists, whose hyper-realism has become a hot topic on TV and the internet.
The story behind the creation of the dioramas, how they were commissioned, the key points of the dioramas, and an explanation of the advertising.
A collection of dioramas created by the world's top diorama artists. Five years in the life of a freelance creator who has turned his hobby into a career.

The word "scenery" is the Japanese translation of the word "diorama". It is a word that I cherish most, and is used in the name of my activity "Jokei-sha", meaning "a scene or scene that makes you feel".
I think it's really nice to see the interpretation that it's not the diorama that matters, but the landscape and the emotions that come up in your mind when you see it.
What a wonderful job it is for a diorama artist to create "advertising dioramas" to spread the feelings that arise!�@It's a great job!

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