Bolts and nuts with washers: Grantline unpainted kit (parts) HO(1:87) 5101

  • $146.00
    單價 每 

Grandt Line (Grandt Line /USA) unpainted kit (parts) HO (1/87) size 170cm man approx. 2cm

1 7/8" NUT,1 3/16" STEEL WASHERS
This is a model of a bolt and nut with washers.
Size: Diameter, about 0.6mm
Material: plastic
. Colour: grey moulded colour
Quantity: 100 pieces

Information edit: Sakatsu Gallery

This is a product of the American company Grantline, which offers a wide range of plastic materials for architectural models and structures (building models).
Please note that due to the time of year and the colour tone of the monitor, the colour of the picture may differ from the actual product.
