Tsumesho with Well : Takumi Diorama Craft House - Pre-Painted HO (1:80) 1015

  • $4,651.00
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Takumi Diorama Craft House, painted and finished, 1/80 size

Measurements: W:144mm, D:72mm, H:50mm

Note: 3 CRD controlled LEDs (with caps for softly diffusing light) are already illuminated. Simply apply 3-16V DC to the leads coming out of the bottom of the model to enjoy the night view.
The lead wires are designed for easy wiring. It is easy to integrate into the layout.

The whole thing is placed on a 2mm thick board, so that it can be easily integrated into layouts. The ground is also in a familiar colour. We have also used a material that is easy to colour match to the existing ground.
The spacers underneath the building were used for photographic purposes only and are not included.

Information edited by Sakatsu Gallery

There used to be various filling stations in the station and beside the tracks.
In the past, there were a number of filling stations in stations and beside the tracks.

This "station with a well" is modelled on one that existed in the 1930s and 1940s.
It has been designed to look as if a worker would open the door at any moment and go to the well to wipe himself off, with a hand towel hanging from his waist.

The highlight is literally the well. Its shed is a fairly accurate reproduction of the shed structure, although there are some minor arrangements. The moss around the well also looks thin.

The floor and base boards of the building are made of thin sheets of Kiso cypress.

The window frames are made of laser cut 0,4mm aviation veneer to enhance the texture.

Another highlight is the rusty corrugated tin roof. It is on the verge of leaking, or maybe it already is? When the next typhoon comes, the roof will be blown off.
