Restoration of Shinden : Shin Tachikawa Finished product 1:32

  • $68,029.00
    單價 每 

Shin Tachikawa, pre-painted 1/32 scale

IJN Local Fighter Shinden Restoration

Work size (including case): approx. 455mm wide, 290mm deep, 220mm high

Base Kit: Volks Zoukei-mura's "Imperial Navy Local Fighter Shinden 1/32"

Note: Acrylic case included.

Information edit: Sakatsu Gallery

Developed at the end of the war to intercept the B29, the war ended when two prototypes were completed and flight tested, and the aircraft is now dismantled and stored in an American museum. The engine is located at the rear of the fuselage and a 30mm machine gun is mounted at the front.
The diorama is designed to show the restoration of the Shinden, but unfortunately in reality it has not been restored yet.

The Shinden was built from Zoukei-mura kit with various etched parts and heavily weathered. The surface of the fuselage, where the paint had peeled off to reveal the undercoat, was glued with finely crushed biscuits using a water-based glue, then sprayed with a dark green paint, the biscuits were washed off with water, and the unnatural parts were corrected with a face-painting brush.
The parts and equipment of the restoration shop, such as the jack, the wall switchboard and the exhaust fan, were appropriated from model car equipment or made by myself. The stairs and handrails are made of perforated aluminium sheet and soldered copper wire, the olive green sheet is 0.1 mm thick lead sheet painted with lacquer spray paint and then weathered.

Other works by Shin Tachikawa
