Narita Line, Owase Tadakiri : Shin Tachikawa, Finish HO(1:80)

  • $16,939.00
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Shin Tachikawa Pre-painted HO (1/80) Size

Neighborhood unexplored station Narita Line Owashi Crossing

Size (including case): approx. 410mm (W) x 165mm (D) x 240mm (H)

Note: Acrylic case included.
Three overhead wires are glued to the acrylic case.

Information edit: Sakatsu Gallery

This is the unexplored level crossing of Narita Line which was introduced in the site of level crossing mania.
The dimensions of the entire crossing and the height and size of the various signs were measured during a field survey, and photographs were taken to accurately recreate the crossing, including the topography.

The terrain is made of polyurethane foam, the signals and various signs are made of brass wire and copper plate, and the poles are somewhat far from the crossing, so the overhead wires are glued directly to the acrylic case. The overhead wires are made of 0.5mm nickel silver wire.
The sleepers are carved from square cypress sticks. The various signs were photographed from the front, reduced in size using a computer, modified to be easy to see even when reduced in size using image software, then pasted onto 0.3mm thick copper sheets and soldered to 1mm copper square bars.
This time I used Dutch dried flowers. Most of the trunks are bent, so I straightened them with heat, and then airbrushed them with a young bamboo colour, a little darker green on the inside and lighter green on the outside to give a 3D effect. The whole thing is then sprayed with a matte finish.

Other works by Shin Tachikawa
