In front of the TV. : Preiser - Painted and finished HO(1:87) 28259
Preiser Painted finished HO (1:87) doll approx. 2cm in height size
In front of the TV.
Part Number: 28259
Contents: 1 painted doll, 1 TV
Note: Product names, prices, appearance, specifications, etc. are subject to change without notice by the manufacturer or distributor.
Information editing: Sakatsu Gallery
This is a pre-painted figure of a person watching TV.
Note: Product names, prices, appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice by the manufacturer or distributor.
In front of the TV.
Part Number: 28259
Contents: 1 painted doll, 1 TV
Note: Product names, prices, appearance, specifications, etc. are subject to change without notice by the manufacturer or distributor.
Information editing: Sakatsu Gallery
This is a pre-painted figure of a person watching TV.
Note: Product names, prices, appearance and specifications are subject to change without notice by the manufacturer or distributor.