Old Fukiya Elementary School : Toshio Ito Paintings N(1:150)

  • Β₯18,000
    단가 λ‹Ή 
μ„ΈκΈˆμ΄ 포함됨 결제 μ‹œ λ°°μ†‘λ£Œ κ°€ 계산됨

Toshio Ito Pre-painted N (1/150) Size

Dimensions: Base board W260mm x D130mm (some parts, with hammering) H80mm
Base kit: "Old Fukiya Primary School" by Amagi Modelling Ideas
Note: The building is removable from the base, making it easy to modify the interior and add electric lights.

Information edit: Sakatsu Gallery

The model is a faithful scaled-down version of the "Old Fukiya Elementary School" in Takahashi City, Okayama Prefecture, Japan Kit< into a finished product.
The kit is precisely laser cut and carefully assembled, and the base board is provided for easy integration into the layout.
The baseboards and buildings are not glued together, so it is easy to transfer them to the layout and to make additional modifications to the interior and electrical decorations.
We've even added a spring tree to the baseboard to add a touch of glamour! You can also enjoy this as an entrance scene as it is.

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