Chaikawa Store : Toshio Ito Paintings HO(1:80)

  • Β₯67,000
    단가 λ‹Ή 
μ„ΈκΈˆμ΄ 포함됨 결제 μ‹œ λ°°μ†‘λ£Œ κ°€ 계산됨

Toshio Ito Pre-painted 1/80 Size

Dimensions of the work: 88mm (W) x 158mm (D) x 68mm (H)
Approximate dimensions of the case: width 95mm, depth 168mm, height 80mm
Kit used: "Chagawa Shoten" by M's and others
Note: Acrylic clear case included. The interior is illuminated by two tiny LED lights (with light shades), with button batteries in the roof of the work. Interior parts already assembled.

This is a work of art in the closed state of the "Chagawa Shoten", the candy shop in the movie "Sunset on Third Street".
You can enjoy the night scene or the setting that Chagawa Sensei is writing.
In contrast to the humble exterior, remove the roof and you'll find the interior! There is a box of sweets and a cat bin tidied away in the shop space, and in the tea room there is a small chabudai and the Sensei's writing desk. In addition, the wardrobe in which Roku-chan escapes in the film and the passage beside it to the four-and-a-half tatami mats at the back have been recreated.
This is a great place to watch the film with the roof off, or turn on the lights and look in through the windows to hear Chagawa-sensei's ramblings.
The case base and the artwork can be easily separated using double-sided tape, so it can be used for other purposes than just admiring the artwork, such as incorporating it into your own layout.

(c)2007 "ALWAYS: Sunset on Third Street" Production Committee

Information edit: Sakatsu Gallery

This is "Chagawa Shoten", a candy shop in the movie series "Sunset on Third Street".
The owner of the shop, Ryunosuke Chagawa aka Chagawa Sensei, is either writing or closing the shop.
The shop has a simple exterior and looks like a quiet and peaceful place, but the interior is gorgeous! In the tea room and the four-and-a-half tatami mats at the back of the house, there is furniture and a two-centimetre high Chagawa Sensei who looks as if he could come out at any moment.

In the base kit "Chagawa Shoten" the outer walls, which are represented by paper material, are replaced by real wooden material.
In the kit, the interior of Galandu has been precisely recreated by Toshio Ito, who reviewed the film many times and made it himself, including the floor plan.
In addition, a glass-coloured acrylic case is included as a standard feature for the collection and appreciation of this piece on its own. It can be displayed anywhere in an unobtrusive and elegant way.

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