Street Accessories Parking Meter Trash Can Telephone Box : Woodland Finished product O(1:48) 2764

  • Β₯4,949
    단가 λ‹Ή 
μ„ΈκΈˆμ΄ 포함됨 결제 μ‹œ λ°°μ†‘λ£Œ κ°€ 계산됨

WOODLAND SCENICS/ Made in USA Pre-painted O (1/48) size 170cm human approx. 3.5cm

This is a small item in the city.It includes a fire hydrant, a bin, a parking meter, a manhole cover, a telephone booth, a wooden bench and a female doll.
The top photo is the manufacturer's announcement, the second package photo is the product.

Information edited by Sakatsu Gallery

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