Constant Current Diodes (around 15mA) 3pcs : Sakatsuo Electronic Components Non-scale 2908

  • Β₯440
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μ„ΈκΈˆμ΄ 포함됨 결제 μ‹œ λ°°μ†‘λ£Œ κ°€ 계산됨

Made by Sakatsu Material Non-scale

The current flow is reduced to about 15mA, and when used with our LEDs, the light intensity remains 100% original, protecting the LED from overcurrent and preventing burnout.

Quantity: 3 pieces

Note: Soldering work is required for use.
Note:Parts may vary from the picture due to production lot.

Information edit: Sakatsu Gallery

The current flow is reduced to about 15mA and when used with our LEDs, the light intensity remains 100% original, protecting the LED from overcurrent and preventing burnout.
It is recommended to incorporate it into the circuit as a precautionary measure.

There are also two other types of LEDs that reduce the brightness by about 80% Reduces the light by about half.

Note: Soldering work is required for use.
Note:Parts may vary from the picture due to production lot.

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