Stone Wall : Chu Chi Pre-painted Kit Non-scale 8300

Stone Wall : Chu Chi Pre-painted Kit Non-scale 8300

  • Β₯2,472
    단가 λ‹Ή 
μ„ΈκΈˆμ΄ 포함됨 결제 μ‹œ λ°°μ†‘λ£Œ κ°€ 계산됨

Prepainted kit by Chooch Enterprises, Non-scale (1/80 to 1/160 recommended)

This masonry wall is ideal for representing earth retaining walls and other structures.
Pre-painted in a single grey colour, they can be used as they are or weathered to your liking.
Comes in one piece, 16.8 x 9cm, approximately 5mm thick.
It can also be cut with a saw (leather saw) or similar.
The photo shows an example of the finished product, built into a diorama.

Information edited by Sakatsu Gallery

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