Small Warehouse (Tiled Roof) 2 : Takumi Diorama Craft House - Finished product HO(1:80) 1023

  • Β₯6,800
    단가 λ‹Ή 
μ„ΈκΈˆμ΄ 포함됨 결제 μ‹œ λ°°μ†‘λ£Œ κ°€ 계산됨

A structure that you can hear the whistle.
This is a small structure, but the presence of one on the side of the railway track makes the railway feel more real.

Even though it is a small item, it is not easy to underestimate.

The red drum fire tank, the old drums and the wooden stepladder create a living warehouse.
The windows are laser cut. Rain gutters and drums are already installed.
The roof is a thin, easy to work with tiled roof made by Sakatsuo Gallery.

This small warehouse is not only for the railway industry, but would also look good as a shed in the back of a shop or farmhouse, or even in a field.

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