Summer Night" in frame: Nobuko Kameda, painted, non-scale

  • Β₯38,000
    단가 λ‹Ή 
μ„ΈκΈˆμ΄ 포함됨 결제 μ‹œ λ°°μ†‘λ£Œ κ°€ 계산됨

Nobuko Kameda Pre-painted Non-scale

In-frame series for easy display in your room, entryway or desk

Size (approx): 175mm (W) x 115mm (D) x 130mm (H)
Note: Button battery (CR2032x1) power supply on the bottom. The switch can be used to turn one LED on/off, and the volume can be dimmed by turning it with a precision screwdriver.
The frame can not be removed.
The frame is not removable.
Information edit: Sakatsu Gallery

After the heat of the day, the cool moonlight shines in on the porch.
The sound of insects coming from the garden is counteracted by the sound of tiles being mixed in a hurried "jingling" motion.
Familiar faces gathered for an occasional holiday.

A familiar face, gathered for the occasional holiday.
It's going to be a long night.

This is an in-frame style work by Nobuko Kameda, who is popular for her wide range of styles from the fantastically pretty world to the purple smoky loose Showa nostalgia.
You can also enjoy a more attractive night view with LED lights.

A three-dimensional little world trapped inside a tiny picture frame! This series of dioramas are palm-sized and can be placed anywhere, making them easy to display and enjoy.
The case also reduces the risk of dust and damage. It will last longer. It is also a great gift idea.

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