Landscape with Tree Stumps Autumn : Accessories for Landscapes Pre-painted 1:35 - 48 81002

  • Β₯5,280
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μ„ΈκΈˆμ΄ 포함됨 결제 μ‹œ λ°°μ†‘λ£Œ κ°€ 계산됨

Pre-painted by Mackey & Kazoo, 1/35 - 1/48 size

Brand name: Accessories for Landscape
Product name: Real trees
Series: Special

Set includes: Mini diorama consisting of a stump and a tree about 5cm high.
We want to raise the level of ground and plant expression in Japanese dioramas! We want to provide materials for making dioramas that can be used around the world!

This is a new brand launched with such passion.
The products are created using carefully selected materials and techniques, making the most of the advantages of natural materials.

Due to the nature of the materials and the handcrafted nature of the products, the colours and shapes may differ from those shown in the photographs.

Information edit: Sakatsu Gallery

A strong ally for your diorama creation! A complete range of realistic trees from the diorama supplies brand Accessories for Landscape by the up-and-coming manufacturer Mackey & Kazoo.
Combining different natural materials for the trunk and branches, the foliage material expresses the seasons and scenes. The product with base is carefully crafted down to the ground.
The moss has been painted to emphasise the expression of the moss and the three-dimensional effect, so that even the smallest model has the appearance of a real tree.

A mere symbol, a makeshift tree model is not enough. But it takes a lot of time and effort to create trees that blend into the scene and enhance it. Realtree is the answer to these problems.
If you put the effort you put into trees into other forms of expression, you would be able to enjoy a higher level of diorama making... This is why we created the Realtree.

Click here for the list of "Accessories for Landscape" products

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